Motorcycle Ergonomics - Healthy Riding Posture
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For life energy to flow properly through your body and energy system,
your nervous system needs to run smoothly. Central to healthy
working of your nervous system is your body's posture, aka spinal
alignment. It can be said that your body and your physical
life rotate around your spine. Misaligned spine equals
uncomfortable or even painful life. Properly aligned spine
equals more freedom, joy, and more resistance to diseases.
The human body is not designed to keep one posture for long...even
a proper posture;the body needs changes in posture relatively often.
While motorcycle riding is a lot of fun, it introduces a challenge
for the body: it locks the body into pretty much a single posture,
while the body is not properly balanced and supported.
One of the healthiest postures is that of the body walking at
medium pace with the feet below the body, the back straight,
the shoulders slightly back, the butt slightly tucked in, and
the chin slightly down. That way the body is well balanced;
arms and legs swinging and alternating, counterbalancing the whole
thing; thus the spine can remain neutral.
When sitting on a bike this natural balance is lost.
Your body may be able to handle it for a brief period of time, but
definitely not for hours on end. Some bikes are especially
bad for healthy riding posture; cruisers and to some degree even
scooters: the arms and legs are in front of the body, the shoulder
and even the whole back are rounded, and the neck and head are
left to find a position somehow. To add insult to injury,
cruisers tend to vibrate quite a lot (engine vibrations).
Bikes with upright seating and the feet under the body are much
kinder to the spine; however, even here is a challenge to the body;
straight-up seating with the arms in front of the body make it easy
for the back to slump - this puts stress on the spine.
Probably the most supportive riding position is with a very slight
forward lean - say up to 9 degrees. That way the upper body is
supported by the arms without putting much pressure on the hands
and wrists. More forward lean than that is too much - the hands,
wrists, arms, shoulders, and neck get stressed.
When the body is stressed by something, and the stress is not released
by chiropractic and NET, it gets recorded in the body - the body
remembers it.
Sooner or later the recorded stress comes knocking on the door; it may
even occur in a following incarnation. It may surface as a pain,
disease, or even disability.
It pays to work with the body rather than against it.
So how come so many riders can ride for hours, even (to the body)
stressful events such as Iron Butt, and seem to be able to handle
it just fine? It's because they are so disconnected from their
bodies, they can't hear their bodies crying. The feedback loop that
would warn them that they've gone beyond what the body is willing
to handle is broken by toxicity and/or energy fragmentation.
No "Ifs" or "Buts".
Rest assured they will reap as they sow...eventually.
It is very beneficial to find an NET practitioner and get
answers from your body what bike is the best for you, and how often
and how long you may ride it. Your conscious feeling about
this is not reliable, because your ego is involved and it distorts
Note; Frequent stopping, taking off the helmet, and walking around
is greatly appreciated by the body. It helps relieve accumulated
pressure/stress in the muscles from the riding position/bike vibrations.

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