Blessed Is The Child
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Every child is born with the potential to attain Christ-hood = to heal
completely and attain the highest level of spiritual evolvement.
However, in most instances that potential is not realized, because
the child's environment is not sufficiently nourishing.
So how would such a nourishing environment look?
Here is a list of the main, most vital, points.
Blessed is the child whose parents detoxify and heal before they
conceive the child. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), an advanced
form of chiropractic, and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) are
a vital part of this healing (though the conventional chiropractic
is helpful, as well). (Both techniques are performed by specially
trained doctors.)
Blessed is the child whose parents' spiritual energy level is as high
as possible before they concieve the child.
To have a better understanding of the scale of spiritual energy levels,
please read the book "Power vs. Force" by David R. Hawkins - a highly
recommended, and a highly energized, book.
Blessed is the child who is conceived/born out of true love.
Blessed is the child whose parents are aware of the energetic quality
of their environment, surroundings, possessions, and food/drink,
before the child is conceived and throughout the child's life.
Such parents naturally stay away from low energy/negative stuff
and surround themselves with, use only, what is congruent, compatible,
with them and the child; thus they are in a nourishing, supportive,
environment. (To check energetic quality of whatever one can use:
Neuro-Emotional Technique, NET - www.netmindbody.com;
muscle-strength testing, as described in the book "Power vs. Force".)
Blessed is the child who is born through a natural, gentle, birth, rather than
the rough birth process used by the mainstream medicine.
Blessed is the child who is free of vaccines and medications.
Blessed is the child who is brought up by his/her loving parents, rather
than child care centers and babysitters (unless the centers and babysitters
are at the highest spiritual energy level).
Blessed is the child who is spoken to intelligently and is always told the truth.
Blessed is the child who is left alone to explore his/her own body, and life in
general, rather than being forced to conform to societal morals.
Blessed is the child who is left free to observe life, and seek answers to life,
rather than having religious beliefs/dogmas, and the beliefs of others,
imposed on him/her.
Blessed is the child whose parents are open and truthful about sex and don't
hide it from their child.
Blessed is the child who is respected as a memeber of the family and whose
feelings and decisions are on an equal footing with the adults'.
Blessed is the child who is allowed to make his/her own decisions and whose
parents limit themselves to helping the child understand the possible
consequences of his/her decisions, should the child ask.
Blessed is the child who heals by using Network Spinal Analysis (NSA),
an advanced form of chiropractic (though the conventional chiropractic is helpful, as well) and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) right from his/her
birth; though the child would greatly benefit from NET right from the child's
Blessed is the child who is given only a small number of toys and those that
he/she has support positive creativity.
Blessed is the child who stays away from TV, movies, video games, and computers.
Blessed is the child who is allowed to have a quite time every day, and is
introduced to silent meditations.
Please, see the page "Meditate...or not?"
Blessed is the child whose education is to help him/her connect with
his/her true Self.
Blessed is the child whose parents help him/her understand the creative
power of intention and prayers.
Please, see the page "Healing Prayers".
Blessed is the child who is congruently connected with Divine Loves (Gods).
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