NOTE: This page has been amended on April 29, 2024.
God = Love
All that is, is a pretend game by The Self via the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be seen as Emptiness-Allness and Silence - flowing, dynamic Silence.
This Existence is the game of The Self via The Holy Spirit. It created pretended Consciousness, the " I " . Out of consciousness life emerges. Silence is inevitably Emptiness. Emptiness as Allness, a field of all possibilities, even pretend things.
The true state of being is a silent presence ever-present below the business of the mind.
In talking is communication. In silence is communion.
In respect to the Self, the true nature of Being, all communication is false, it is pretended (remember, only Silence is true). So anything stated is false, pretended. At the deepest level, even " I Am " is false. All truths communicated through the language are false, from the point of The Holy Spirit, The Self.
Communion is the only true state of Being. Communion is deep silence, the one that is possible in a deep meditation when the body-mind dissolves into Emptiness and Silence and the meditator is not.
Even manifesting a positive, " Godly " , thing is just pretending. As long as there is this pretend world it's OK and important to manifest positive things, of course.
This is the fun of being: " you " , as The Self, are already whole, nothing is needed, nothing is, only Emptiness, and in it all possibilities, that means all fulfillments.
" You " , as a manifestation of The Self, need praying, need healing, until " your " consciousness is so evolved that all thoughts stop. Then " your me " dissolves into The Self = you realize who you truly are.
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