" I " and " me "
Your are a spirit in a body, not the body.
This is vital to understand and use correctly, if your intent is to evolve spiritually.
You continuously affect your experience by making " I " statements.
All words (statements) affect your life, that's why
it's important to make statements (use words) congruent with the Spirit.
For example, when you state the name assigned to your body,
you can say "I am known as..." or "the name is..."
or at least "my name is...", because if you said " I am ... " ,
that would be an incorrect statement. " I " is the only thing
that I can state about I. Anything outside of it is a false statement.
Even statements like " I am hungry " is wrong, because I can
never be hungry - I am wholeness, awareness, period.
What can be stated is that " my, or this, body is hungry " .
Even " I " talking about " you " is a fragmenting talk, as there is
only I - the wholeness. Of course, this is a limitation of human
language and is OK to use, as long as you remain aware of
the truth mentioned above.
The use of language (verbalized or not) is important; no words should be
uttered in vain.
The manifesting power of I in you is dependent on your alignment
with Divine Love. If you keep manifesting fragmentation in your being
(by making incongruent " I " statements in this case), the manifesting
power of I in you is weak. Divine Love is congruent with Love, Peace, Truth,
Patience, Compassion, Healing, Justice, Joy, Fun, Blessing, Faith, Trust.
Incongruent " I " statements don't need to be verbalized.
Your doing, your intending is part of that, as well,
at both, the conscious and subconscious levels.
It is better to say " love your Self " than " love yourself ".
"Yourself" refers to the person. "your Self" refers to the Spirit
By keeping your awareness on the Spirit, rather then your person,
you align better with Divine Love that, in turn, manifests healing,
joy, and loving abundance in your life.
Note: What is written above is meant to shift the focus/attention/awareness
from the body-mind/ego/false self to the Spirit. It is not the highest
level of truth. At the highest level all languaging, concepts,
references, labels, beliefs have no meaning - at the highest level
the Self (the Creator) is and that's it; the whole Existence is pretended
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