Messages of Healing
Whether we drive somewhere, read magazines, watch the TV
(and so on), we are exposed to messages peeking at us from road signs, billboards, flyers, ads,
and other sources. Many people don't pay much attention to them, yet that doesn't stop
the messages from affecting us. Even though our waking consciousness doesn't register them,
the subconscious is very aware of them. For us to be healthy, we need positive, good-health-supporting environment, in this case the messages. However, there are plenty of messages that
are negative, not supportive of our health.
Here are some examples of such messages:
- small road signs announcing: " Cops for cancer " Huh? Why are not
the cops " for good health "?
- a large clothes-donation bin saying: " Drop off your used clothes here
to support multiple sclerosis " Huh? Where do I drop off used clothes
to support healing people?
- in Toronto, there is a Hospital for Sick Children, also called informally " Sick
Kids Hospital " Wouldn't it be much better to have " Healing Kids Hospital " ? (Of course, the best is to have no need for all hospitals.) In
one large shopping mall a temporary booth set up by this hospital announced: " Donate to Sick Kids " Huh? No way! Why should I support sick kids? My intent is to support healthy kids (and other people).
- a huge billboard showing a huge picture of cancerous cells and announcing: " The bloom of doom ". Huh? What depleted individual came up with that?
Got matches?
- many public events, usually some kinds of walks and runs, to support whatever. For example: " Walk to support breast cancer research ". Nope. No way.
I walk to support good health research.
- The Salvation Army. Since when an army saved anything? Seeing from the
history of our planet, armies have been destroying and killing, not saving.
- ads saying something like: " One out of ten adults will get cancer - are you
going to be one of them? " Nope, and where is my eraser?
When you think about it, really, how many messages have you seen supporting good health, being uplifting?
Some people might say: " Well, we know what these messages really mean; they couldn't
fit the whole message there, so they shortened it like this. " Sorry, that doesn't wash it. Even though they might rationalize it like this, they are still seeing negative, unloving messages. This stresses their spirit. Remember, our true nature is loving, healthy, fun-enjoying. Being exposed to negative information affects us, regardless of our
rationalization. If you have lots and lots of energy (are harmoniously connected with Divine Loves), you can easily neutralize these negative messages. However, individuals that
don't have enough energy (which is many people), might get affected by these negative messages - the produced subconscious stress might result in disease.
So how to counter all these negative messages?
First, by healing your nervous system (that's the part of you that holds all your " parts " together and connects you to Divine Loves). Second, it is beneficial to say this affirmation:
" I am aware that some messages are negative, and I choose to support only healing and loving messages. My intent is to be healthy and loving, and I thank Mother Love for helping I with that. "
Third, by choosing not to view those messages on TV, in magazines, newspaper, flyers, and other
sources that can be easily avoided. Also, if you view a negative message, you can say " I love my Self " . When you say that, Mother Love sends loving energy to your Self.
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