Swaddling Bands
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Your body's nervous system is designed to guide you in healing. It automatically knows how to achieve good health, when it is allowed to do its job undisturbed.
There are some things that prevent your nervous system from doing its job properly, in effect putting swaddling bands around your Being. In other words, some things are toxic to you and may prevent you from healing and making loving, healthy choices.
The purpose of this page is to focus on some of the worst toxic substances that people come into contact with most offten (to list every toxic substance would take many pages and they can be looked up elsewhere).
It is important to avoid these toxins in any quantity. Even small amounts may cause trouble.
Below are listed the worst offenders that should be avoided in any quantity:
mercury pork (any food made of pigs) alcohol tobacco coffee refined sugar wheat flour drugs (legal and illegal) coca cola
Of course, this is not the complete list: these are the worst ones. Out of this list by far the worst ones are mercury and alcohol. They both disrupt the nervous system and cut if off from Divine Love in the most hideous way, and are difficult to get rid of - even tiny amounts. In the case of mercury, just its vibrations (close proximity) are enough to send the nervous system out of control - no need to inhale its vapors or eat it (for example in tuna fish or through mercury tooth fillings).
One of the worst sources of mercury poisoning is through amalgams (mercury tooth fillings). It is so important to get rid of all amalgams - even one is way too much. After an amalgam removal it is vital to detoxify the body using natural, body-friendly detoxification, as directed by a qualified naturopath.
Remember, it is your nervous system that connects you with Love of Loves, Mother Love and Father Love. If it is prevented from functioning properly, your connection with Loves is affected. A powerful way, and the one that is fully supported by Father Love, to heal and maintain the nervous system is the combination of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA - advanced form of chiropractic) and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). The Internet may be used to find more information on these natural techniques and to find the practitioners (doctors). There are doctors of chiropractic that perform both techniques and that is the best way, as they are synergistic. For other ways of protecting, and healing, your nervous system, please, see the following page, " Spiritual Self-defence ".
To wrap it up: in order to be in a loving connection with Love of Loves, Mother Love and Father Love, it is vital to keep the nervous system in a good, healthy, shape. To do this one must avoid poisoning the body with toxins, properly nourish and hydrate it, and maintain a healthy spine with the help of Network Spinal Analysis (though the conventional chiropractic may be helpful, as well). Neuro-Emotional Technique helps locate problems in the body and helps find out how to deal with them.
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