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An important tool in an individual's spiritual evolution, awakening, is witnessing.
Witnessing could also be called "living with awareness", and "observing".
This is how it works: whatever you can observe is not you, your true Self.
If you can observe your actions, the thoughts that come to your head, your
emotions, then they are not you. If you can observe yourself, then it is not
you. It might be a part of your life experience here on Earth, but is not you,
the true you.
This observing, witnessing, is very simple, yet its implications are deep.
The healthier you are, the easier it is for you to witness, observe.
The more centered you are, the easier it is for you to witness, observe.
Both are needed together.
It is the intent of this website to help with both. Please, see the other pages
of this website for information on healing. Please, see the page
"Meditate...or not?" on how to silent meditate: silent meditations are vital
to living centered, living with awareness.
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