Guardian Angels
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Everyone has a Guardian Angel, who stays with the individual from incarnation to incarnation, right from the first one till now. Your Guardian Angel is there to protect, guide and help you. If everyone listened to their Guardian Angels all the time, enlightenment would be guaranteed for everyone.
Guess who your Guardian Angel is? It is you - your Angelic Self - the pure, loving, part of you that stays behind on " The Other Side " when you incarnate. And there is more good news: there is a way you can " merge " with your Guardian Angel. In other words, you can span the energy gap that's between " you here " and " you there " (your Angelic Self, your Guardian Angel). How?
Through healing, through good health, as mentioned on the page " Spiritual Self-defense " . It is a natural progression of healing. As you address all the sides of healing (as mentioned on the page " Spiritual Self-defense " ), your energy will start rising and integrating. It might be a long process, but it's much more fun and enjoyable than being stuck in an un-healthy, un-loving state of being.
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