Sexual Orientation
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This page is a loose continuation of the page Sexual Evolvement.
It is beneficial to read that page first.
There is a lot of rubbish and misconceptions floating around
in our society regarding sexual orientation and mutual sexual playing.
Whether they manifest as downgrading jokes about sex and sexuality,
as calling someone "gay", false sexual beliefs and concepts,
or making fun of someone, they all trace their root to negative energies
and toxicity.
Most of these downgrading jokes and misconceptions are entertained by
teenagers and young adults, and from there it seeps down to younger
children. This is very tragic, because it negatively affects the sexual
developments of the children, youths and young people to the point of even
possibly perverting their sexuality.
The goal of this page is to show that it is perfectly natural and healthy to
think about and engage in same-sex mutual sexual play, and that it is actually
vital to proper sexual evolvement.
Each individual, regardless of sex and age, "consists of" a female and a male
energy. So every girl and woman has a female and male energy "inside of"
her, and every boy and man has a female and male energy "inside of" him.
There are no exceptions to this. Naturally, the female energy inside each
individual is attracted towards other male energies, and the male energy
inside each individual is attracted towards other female energies.
The balance of the female and male energies in the individual determines
the sexual orientation of the person, and also affects other aspects of the
person's life.
When a male has his female energy dominating for whatever reason,
that male is sexually attracted towards other males, and thus
is labeled "homosexual".
When a female has her male energy dominating for whatever reason,
that female is sexually attracted towards other females, and thus
is labeled "homosexual".
The fact that every individual has a female and a male energy tells
you right away that scientifically it is impossible for a healthy person
to be completely heterosexual. This means that when someone,
whether male or female, condemns, puts down, judges, or rejects same-sex
sexual play, it is a mentally learned behavior, not a natural, healthy behavior.
This is evidenced also by the fact that in some societies same-sex mutual
sexual play is considered normal and people don't hide it.
Of course, it is natural to prefer heterosexual behavior (except for children*),
and it may be natural to choose not to participate in a same-sex sexual play;
but preferring something and outright rejecting/putting down something
are two different scenarios - the first one may be healthy, the latter one
is not healthy.
It is completely natural and healthy for a girl or a woman to think about,
or to engage in a same-sex mutual sexual playing.
It is completely natural and healthy for a boy or a man to think about,
or to engage in a same-sex mutual sexual playing.
(Of course, as with all mutual activities, it needs to be consensual and
free of toxins [such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, coca-cola] to be positive.)
Actually, when it comes to children and teenagers,
it is normal for them to play sexually with their same-sex friends, because
nature designed it that way. This is so the children and youths get to know
their own bodies, their own sexuality and emotionality before they are ready
to make and have children. In other words, it's this same-sex mutual sexual
playing that prepares them for the real sex later on in their lives.
If this natural sexual same-sex playing is suppressed, it negatively affects
the child's/teenager's sexual evolvement, and creates deep emotional
issues that affect other aspect of the person's life until they get resolved**.
Both Christ and Osho engaged in same-sex mutual sexual playing and
masturbation prior to their enlightenment.
Same-sex mutual sexual playing cannot make you homosexual.
Same-sex mutual sexual playing cannot make your child develop as
a homosexual. On the other hand, preventing your child from masturbating
and sexually playing can pervert your child's sexuality.
For boys to pretend they are interested in girls when in fact they are not,
and thus the boys don't allow their healthy homosexual nature to come through,
equals to sexual and emotional suppression. That can result in improperly
developed sexuality and emotionality, and in more extreme cases it may
result in sexual perversion.
For girls to pretend they are interested in boys when in fact they are not,
and thus the girls don't allow their healthy homosexual nature to come through,
equals to sexual and emotional suppression. That can result in improperly
developed sexuality and emotionality, and in more extreme cases it may
result in sexual perversion.
It is by following their true nature that boys and girls, and later on men and
women, can transcend each step of their evolvement in a healthy way.
So it is important not to pretend, not to be fake. It is important to be honest,
truthful, and to follow your true nature.
*Note: By the design of nature children are homosexual till about the age of
14 or 15, when their sexuality starts slowly switching to heterosexual.
However, this switching is slow and usually lasts into late teenage years,
or even early adulthood. Thus it is natural and healthy for children and
teenagers to engage in same-sex mutual sexual playing (provided it is
consensual and free of toxins, such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, coca-cola).
**Note: Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) is designed to
uncover and resolve these deep emotional issues. You can find a doctor
by following the link, and when you see the doctor you can mention you
would like to resolve all issues around your sexuality.
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