What Is Love?
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What is love within the scope of our lives here on Earth?
Love is an "aspect" or a "quality" of the Creator, The Self.
Love can be seen as the highest manifestation of energy, as created by The Self.
This energy manifests through many individual-yet-connected forms.
What shapes this love energy is intention that comes out of spiritual will.
In its virgin form love, the highest energy, is coherent (having a constant phase
relationship). However, intention can shape the love energy into incoherent
forms. These incoherent forms are what appears to us, human beings,
as unloving, negative, destructive, disharmonious (well, not only to us
as human beings, but also to all coherent, that is loving, energies).
When intention maintains the energy of love in a coherent form,
the result is harmonious, loving, in-tune, positive, creative, true,
heavenly, healthy. When intention shapes the energy of love
into an incoherent form, the result is disharmonious, unloving, out-of-tune,
negative, destructive, false, evil, unhealthy.
Where does intention comes from?
Intention comes from spiritual will; in case of entities (such as humans/souls).
from localized spiritual will (which is actually The Self pretending to manifest
as whatever entity via the Holy Spirit).
Symbolically, you can think of it this way:
Consider a loudspeaker. From our point of view, The Holy Spirit is invisible,
silent, flowing, dynamic, just as an electric current entering a loudspeaker is.
The magnet with the coil and the diaphragm (the membrane) are like an intent.
The invisible, silent current moving through the coil-magnet moves the membrane
and thus creates vibrations = frequencies.
The air surrounding the loudspeaker is like the virgin love energy.
When the music is nice, pleasant, the air is "shaped" into pleasant,
positive forms and you enjoy the music. When the music is not pleasant,
you can't stand it = it affects you negatively.
When you are coherent, you are one with the highest energy, love, because
you are it - you are love. In this coherent state you feel so good,
so blissful. It's not that something is given to you, it's that
you are it.
In your coherent state you are the virgin love energy, shaped by
Love of Loves (God of Gods or The Self - please, see the page Gods) to your
individual manifestation.
The Self by pretending "donated" a part of Itself to the individual
manifestation - "you". So that you have "your own" awareness from
which your intentions arise, and from which you shape your reality.
This way every individual can create whatever he/she wants.
If you have a hard time digesting these answers, you can go through
the following exercise:
Empty your mind completely, so it is blank. Now you are silent, empty,
yet alive, just like The Self.
Imagine a beautiful beach by an ocean, with many people sunbathing and
playing in the water. Some people are just lying on the warm sand lazily,
some are playing with a beach ball, some are building sand castles,
and some are having friendly water fights. For a short period of time
continue developing, evolving this scenario.
You have just created in your mind what The Self created with the existence.
Observe your creation:
- the individuals in your imagination were acting separately, individually, yet
they were part of the whole
- there were basically infinite possibilities how that scenario could have evolved
- what do you think would the people you imagined answer if someone
would ask them questions like:
- who created you?
- from where all this (the beach, the ocean, the toys, etc) originated?
- are you separate, or are you all one?
- from what point in existence have all this come to being - a single point
Big Bang, from many points, or from everywhere at once?
Also, have you realized that had your mind not been empty, blank,
you wouldn't have been able to imagine that scenario?
If some thoughts were flying around in your mind you wouldn't have
been able to imagine the ocean, beach, people, etc.
Thus your blank mind was a field of all possibilities.
Even with just one thought scooting around you would have not been
able to go through that exercise successfully.
Just like The Self...
When it comes to your experiences, your lives, here on Earth, further shaping of
energy (that is love energy) was done by your Godly Self and Divine Loves, Gods,
to create you as the soul, and to create all the rest you need to live on Earth
(your energy system, body, etc). To be loving, to be truly in love, is to be
coherent, harmonious, with the rest of your Being (that is with your Higher,
Angelic, and Godly Selves) and with Divine Loves. When you are in-tune
like that, the flow of love energy is free to continue through your energy
system and body. This love energy flow you experience as...well, love, bliss.
When you are not in-tune like that, the love energy flow is not free to continue
flowing through your energy system and body, and that feels like whatever else
but love.
To be coherent, in-tune, you need your nervous system working properly.
Many things need to come together harmoniously for that to happen; please,
see the other pages of this website for more answers on that.
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