The Concept Time
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Please, read this page first: How did it come to this?. It is important you are aware of what's written there before reading this page.
The Concept Time in this article refers to a transition time of the world
from harmony to whatever we've created (contributed to manifesting).
Before the Concept Time we were present on Earth in a harmonious environment.
The Concept Time lasted quite a while. As this transition time unfolded
heavenly guidance was lost and we were on our own. (By "Heavenly
guidance" is meant guidance from Divine Loves [Gods], our Godly Selves, and other
Love Beings.) As well, the disconnected, unloving being was introduced into this
guidance-free environment. Let's call her VIKI (from the movie I robot).
She started doing things in her own, unloving, ways. We all were loving and innocent at
her introduction. She used her knowledge to propose certain things. On the surface those
things looked OK, and so some individuals joined her. As they couldn't verify the validity of
the proposed things with higher-up guidance, they didn't understand what projects
they were joining. Those project (the proposed things) were in truth unloving and so the
work on those projects started causing fragmentation and toxicity in the participants.
Thus from loving, innocent individuals, disconnected, toxic and unloving individuals were
created. These messed-up individuals then joined VIKI and began helping her. Actually,
more correct wording would be that VIKI gained control of those individuals and through
them she started working to gain control of everyone (well, it is true that the disconnected,
toxic, unloving individuals also began to devise their own ways of controlling others).
A certain hierarchy was established. The more intense the messed-up individuals were
in their drive for completing the projects and also controlling others, the higher-up in the
hierarchy they placed. Thus a committee and a council were born. Most of this was going
on in the subconscious world (remember, the subconscious world is much larger and more
powerful than the conscious one, and controls it). It is quite obvious that the committee,
the council, and their helpers were negative and dedicated their energy to controlling and
ruling others in unloving ways, and also trying to affect Divine Loves (Gods), and the
connection between individuals and Divine Loves.
This way a large number of individuals got entangled in the projects and thus they fell
energetically, spiritually. However, not everyone joined the projects, joined VIKI.
There were some individuals that warned the project participants and tried to stop the
fragmenting work. The project participants, being fragmented, being out-of-control to some
degree, didn't listen and tried to prevent the positive individuals from interfering with
their work.
All this snowballed into a big mess, into creating an unloving world, and all you need to do
is to look at our world today, and look at our history, to see where it all has led.
The main project that VIKI and her helpers undertook was to create a replica of the
soul and the energy system. They copied the souls and energy systems of certain
individuals. Remember, both the soul and energy system are composed of two
ingredients: energy; information (that "shapes" the energy into "forms").
This is what they tried to copy. Since the Concept Time they have been using
these copied energies to create their own people (persons).
So if you wonder why some souls would choose to incarnate in certain terrible (as in
destructive) regions, where there is famine, constant wars, tortures, and other cruelty,
now you know why. While a real soul might incarnate into circumstances like that,
it doesn't happen very often. Most of the people living in these highly destructive, unloving
conditions are the false souls. So why would VIKI and her helpers do it?
Because these false people are very low energy, they affect the energy matrix of the
world in a negative way. Also, they have been using these false people to ensnare some real
people and gain control of them.
For example, if they use these false people to pull real people into a conflict, then the real
people get negatively affected, and thus they might succumb to the "Divide, Conquer, and Rule" scenario.
Another example could be of a politician that is offered a girl for his sexual pleasure.
He might be told he can do whatever he wants with her, as nobody knows about this girl.
This girl very well might be a false person. Not only just being with her, with this low-energy
entity, would create a low-energy pull upon this politician (this low-energy pull might empower
the politician's Lower self or even Satanic self, and thus make the politician do destructive things),
but having sex with her, or even torturing her, would fragment the politician's Being even more,
and whoever offered the girl to the politician would gain a control of him (blackmail).
So when many, if not most, of the people who live in the famine, genocide, constant-wars, areas
are false souls, false people, does it matter what happens to them? Yes, of course.
As mentioned above, they affect the energy matrix of the world in a negative way, and they can
ensnare true souls, true people, into negative things.
So how do we resolve this issue? First, by each of us regaining our true good health, evolving
spiritually, by using the positive manifesting power of prayers.
Dealing with these false souls, false people, in a negative way (well, why don't we just bomb them out of
existence?) would only strengthen the negative energy in the world. Only through love = true good
health this can be resolved successfully.
VIKI, the committee, the council, and their helpers are behind most of the negativities that happen in
the world, whether the conscious, physical world, or the subconscious, invisible world.
It very likely is that the politicians (and others) that propose and maintain unloving laws (taxes, borders,
freedom-limitting, licenses, vaccinations, etc), are being controlled by VIKI and her cohorts.
For them to get out of that robot scenario is to heal internally, get their nervous system in good shape again.
You can help that by healing your Self, by getting your own nervous system in good shape. That
way you create a positive pull on them. The more individuals heal, the stronger the positive pull
on the destructive people is. With enough of healthy people creating a strong positive pull, they will
have no other choice than to heal. (This is one of the reasons VIKI and others use western medicine to
poison people: to prevent them from creating that positive suction effect, and thus dismantling
their unloving world.)
The healthier you are, the more positive you are, the more loving you are, the more powerful you are,
the more positive pull you have on the energy matrix of the world. Depending on your energy level,
you might be able to counter-balance the negativity of thousands, millions, or even billions of people
(whether they are false or true souls).
Note: this Concept Time was about two trillion years ago. After the Concept Time
incarnations as we know them now began.
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