![]() Peace and Responsibility All links on this page will open in a new window. healthy, being. Without any doubt anyone would answer that he/she wants to live in peace. Even though there is plenty of love in the world, there is also enough of struggle: wars; family disharmony; relationship problems; diseases; violence; self-destructive behaviour (drugs, alcoholism, crime, etc.); hunger and other manifestations of lack of basic supplies; power struggles, etc. So many people say that they "want to make a difference", and they go on manifesting that intention externally - for example, joining a charity, donating money, joining an environmental movement, etc. While these may be helpful to some degree, the world still has a lot to heal after all those eons of existence. Why is it? Why after so many dreams of peace and " green pastures " , after so many " I want to make a difference " there is still so much struggle? It is important to realize that the outward, external, struggle (wars, violence, It can only happen when each of us heals internally. Please, see the pages " Spiritual Self-defense " , " Swaddling Bands " , "Holy Temple " , and " Intelligence " for more detailed answers about healing and maintaining good health. The key to this internal healing is a healthy nervous system. If the nervous system is affected by toxicity, poor skeletal alignment (out-of-wack spine), negative thinking (negative thoughts also produce neuro-toxins), nutritional depletion, external negativities (listening to lies, un-intelligent entertainment, misleading ads, dealing with taxes, etc), it cannot function properly and a fragmentation of the nervous system or even a collapse may occur. Thus such a Being becomes negative. In other words, negative Beings are those that are fragmented, toxic, and have a low energy level. It is all these toxic, fragmented, and low-energy-level people who contribute negatively to the subconscious energy network, and so help negativities (wars, taxes, diseases, famines, natural disasters, violence, etc.) to manifest in the conscious, physical, world. This may seem harsh, yet it is true. It is vital we understand this. If I use the (popular) analogy of the ocean: the subconscious energy network is like an ocean - everything is interconnected, everything is one. We, the individual people, are like the waves. Each wave is individual, and at the same time it comes from the same wholeness. If one of the waves becomes polluted, it affects the part of the ocean surrounding the wave. If more of the waves become polluted, a larger area of the ocean becomes polluted, then the whole ocean is negatively affected. Each of us is directly and partially responsible for the well-being of the world. The only true way to help the world heal is to fix our own health first. Let's consider the following example: a person who drinks coffee and at the same time keeps on saying that he/she wants peace and help make a difference. Coffee is a major toxin (this can be easily and repeatedly verified by neuro-emotional technique, NET) that poisons the body and the nervous system. So on one hand the person is declaring a positive intent outwardly, yet on the other hand the person is doing a negative thing inwardly. The coffee contributes to bringing down the person's energy, depletion of nutrients, stressing the nervous system, and possibly even contributing to fragmenting it. Because of all that the person may contribute negatively to the subconscious energy network (polluted wave affecting the ocean) and thus contribute to manifesting negative things in the conscious, physical, world. It is like offering someone a sweet smile and at the same time smacking the person in the back. That coffee-drinker is making a difference, for sure, but not a positive one. This was only a simplified example. The interaction of energies within one's energy system (body) and within the subconscious energy network is very complex, and not necessarily everyone who drinks coffee is a negative Being. Though it is true that coffee is a major toxin weakening one's energy system (body), and if it is not counterbalanced by proper health care, it does result in poor health (of course, the best is to avoid drinking coffee completely, regardless of how positive one might be otherwise). To wrap it up: true, lasting, peace can be brought only by people healing *Note: To better understand the power of positive thoughts, the power of |