The Energy Matrix
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The goal of this page is to help with the understanding that we all are intimately
interconnected, and that how we treat our Selves (and ourselves) has a major
impact on our individual lives and on the whole world. This page is a loose
continuation of the page Peace and Responsibility.
As a picture is worth a thousand words, below is a symbolic representation of
the energy matrix. The subconscious world shows a pool of energies. The light
colours symbolize positive energies; the dark colours symbolize negative energies.
Every moment we send and receive energy to/from the pool. When we ingest
toxins, don't take care of our health, and/or have negative intentions, we send
negative energy to the pool, and we also very likely attract negative energy from
the pool.
When we ingest healthy stuff, take a good care of our health, and/or have
positive intentions, we send positive energy to the pool, and we also very likely
attract positive energy from the pool.
The dance of energies in the pool is very complex, and perhaps only Love of Loves
(God of Gods) has a full understanding of how it all works and plays out; however,
this is certain - the negative energy that is being sent to the pool contributes
to negative occurrences (accidents, violence, diseases, wars, destructive behavior,
disconnection from Divine Loves, natural disasters, etc.). The positive energy that is
being sent to the pool contributes to positive things (healing, love, happiness, joy,
peace, connection with Divine Loves, etc.).
So our every-moment doing and being has a large impact on the state of
the whole world and our health. When most people finally get it, and thus
choose to eat, drink, and live healthy, the world heals and we all live in peace.
The intent of this website is to provide answers that are the universal bases of
true healing and true good health.
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